C. officinalis
5M seeds/oz.
Germination: Cover seed lightly; 70°F; 7-14 days.
Sizes: Premium packs; 4-6” pots.
Approximate finish:12-15 weeks
Also known as Pot Marigold, or English Marigold, plants in the Calendula genus have also been recognized for some ...
C. officinalis
5M seeds/oz.
Germination: Cover seed lightly; 70°F; 7-14 days.
Sizes: Premium packs; 4-6” pots.
Approximate finish:12-15 weeks
Also known as Pot Marigold, or English Marigold, plants in the Calendula genus have also been recognized for some of its medicinal qualities. For ornamental purposes however, dwarf calendula makes a pretty garden plant with a nice contained plant habit, and a bright color range of yellows and oranges.