About Plugs & Liners

Save production time and cost with Harris Seeds Plug and Liner Program!

Harris Seeds’ comprehensive plug & liner program is the perfect complement to your seed produced product line. Plugs & liners can round out your product selection and potentially save you space, time, and cost during your production

We partner with the country’s leading plug & liner grower specialists to provide you the highest quality young plants. Grown to order, choose from thousands of annual and perennial varieties for bedding plant, container and cut flower sales.

What can plugs & liners do for you?

Reduce energy and labor costs. Receive young plants in the spring, and reduce heating and labor costs associated with winter greenhouse production.

Ensure your products. Rely on our plug & liner grower specialists to prepare your plants when you aren’t readily equipped to sow your own seeds. Our growers specialize in pinching, applying growth regulators, fertilizing, and implementing IPM practices when taking care of your plants.

Increase variety selection. Some species and varieties, like Supertunia® petunias, SunPatiens® impatiens, garden mums, and poinsettias can only be grown reliably from cuttings. Order these as rooted liners to supplement your seed-grown products.

Quick turnaround time. Some trays, such as Supernova® trays, have been crafted to produce a salable plant in a 4-6" container in four to six weeks. Quick turnaround time means quick cash for you in the spring!

Consider these factors when choosing a plug & liner grower specialist.

Products. Flip over the back of the catalog and tear out the fold-out cover for products available by supplier. This chart illustrates what products each grower specialist produces. Use this tool to help you determine which grower specialist best matches your needs to streamline your ordering process. (Note: You are welcome to order from multiple grower specialists!)

Tray Sizes. Once you find the grower specialists who supply the plants you’re looking for, look at the next page to see the featured tray sizes each offers. Choose a tray size that supplies the number of plants you want, in a cell size that will grow to finish when you want.

Order Minimum and Boxing Requirements. Our growers each have minimum and multiple tray requirements, so be sure to request or view each grower’s price list that supplies this information.

Early Order Discount. Take advantage of our EOD programs for plugs & liners. Flip over the back of the catalog and tear out the fold-out cover for the 2022-2023 grower calendar. Use this calendar to take advantage of each grower specialist’s Early Order Discount (when applicable). Harris Seeds adds an additional 1%! Ordering early is your most cost-effective option and ensures your plants will arrive when you need them.

Shipping. Shipping charges vary with each grower specialist. Request or view online each supplier’s price lists for details.